At a Glance

Payroll onboarding is the process of adding new employees into a company's payroll. This process helps new employees get paid accurately and on time.

Most businesses automate the payroll onboarding process using payroll applications to ensure that staff data is captured accurately and stored safely. It also ensures that the information can be retrieved easily during future payroll processes.

Sample Payroll Onboarding Details

Depending on the software you'll be using, expect your payroll onboarding process to capture the following details for each employee:

  • Full name
  • MUST match the name on their bank account
  • Address
  • Social Insurance Number (SIN)
  • Date of birth
  • Date of hire
  • Amounts to be paid, such as salaries, wages, and other benefits
  • Type of pay (hourly/salaried)
  • If hourly, the expected number of work hour per period
  • Payment details (ie bank details)
  • Required deductions such as income taxes, retirement contributions, and more
  • Any other important details depending on the nature of the job and business employment policies

Why payroll onboarding matters to your business

As mentioned above, having an error-free payroll onboarding process ensure that your new team gets paid on time. Honestly, no one wants to spend a whole week on a new job chasing after a wrong cash transfer.

As an employer, you want to ensure that payroll processes are seamless for both you and your employees. Your payroll processes ultimately reflect you as an employer: it is in your benefit to ensure that they help you communicate the right thing to your employees . There are a ton of great payroll tools out there, all you have to do is narrow your payroll goals to one of them. If you need any advice for what to look for in a tool, don't hesitate to reach out to your accountant for suggestions.