Change your business address via My Business Account (CRA)

Steps to change your business address

  1. Go to the My Business Account page
  2. Login (we recommend using Option 2 to login)
  3. Check your business number is correct in case you have more than 1 registered business
  4. Click “Profile”
  5. Click “Manage Addresses” under “Addresses”
  6. Put in your postal code you want to change to and then press “Next”
  7. Click the appropriate address from the list
  8. Put in your address details and press “Next”
  9. Select the “Effective Date” (when you want this address change to take place) and then click “Next”
  10. Click the boxes to the right of “Select All” to have all of your correspondence is sent to this new mailing address (or select other options if you want to split it up). Then click “Next”
  11. Review the details on the following page, click “I confirm that the above address is correct” and then click “Submit” when you’re ready to finalize the address change